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How to use the MINUTE function in Microsoft Excel

Let's look at some Excel Minute function examples and explore how to use the Minute function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

MINUTE function


The Excel MINUTE function extracts the minute component of a time as a number between 0-59. For example, with a time of 10:15 PM, minute will return 15. You can use the MINUTE function to extract the minute into a cell, or feed the result into another function like the TIME function.
The MINUTE function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Date/Time Function.


Get minute as a number (0-59) from time.

Return value

Number between 0 and 59.

What Does It Do ?

The function will show the minute of the hour based upon a time or a number.
Only the fraction part of the number is used as it is this which relates to time of day.


Minute function has one syntax and hence they can be written in Three different ways:

=MINUTE(serial_number) or
=MINUTE(“time”) or
=MINUTE(cell reference)

Parameters or Arguments

Serial_number: The time value to extract the minute from.
Time: The time of the minute you are trying to find.
Cell reference: Reference to cells containing times.


The result will be shown as a integer number between 0 and 59.

Usage notes

  • Times can be supplied as text (e.g. "10:15 PM") or as decimal numbers (e.g. 0.5, which equals 12:00 PM).
  • Excel stores date and times as a number. “05-June-2010 12:00 PM” will represent “40334.5” as a serial number. To check that Excel is correctly recognizing a date or time, you can temporarily format the date as a number. Integer part represents date and decimal part represent time.
  • Minute values will "rollover" after 60 minutes. You can use a formula to convert time values to decimal minutes.
  • You can directly insert time value into the function.For example, =minute(“11:23 AM”).
  • MINUTE will return the #VALUE error if the given serial_number is not a valid Excel time.
  • If you refer to a blank cell or only the date is given, and there’s no time it will return 0 in the result.

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