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Let's look at some Excel VLookup function examples and explore how to use the VLookup function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Summary The VLOOKUP function searching for a value in the first column of a table and retrieve the value in the same row in the index_num position. VLOOKUP supports approximate and exact matching, and wildcards...
Let's look at some Excel Substitute function examples and explore how to use the Substitute function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Summary The SUBSTITUTE function is as similar to the REPLACE function used in the excel. However, SUBSTITUTE function replaces one or more instances of a substituted text string with a specified character(s)....
Let's look at some Excel Replace function examples and explore how to use the Replace function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Summary The Excel REPLACE function replaces characters specified by position in a given text string with another text string. The REPLACE function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Text...
Let's look at some Excel Search function examples and explore how to use the Search function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Summary The SEARCH function is a way to find a character or string within another cell, and it will return the value associated with the starting place. In other words, if you are trying to figure out where...
Let's look at some Excel Find function examples and explore how to use the Find function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Summary The FIND function in Excel is used to return the position of a specific character or sub-string within a text string. The FIND function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Text Function. What...
Let's look at some Excel Text function examples and explore how to use the Text function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Summary Text function in excel is basically used to convert the numeric values into a text format that is specified. So, it takes a value and turns it into text based on the numeric format of your choice. The Text...
Let's look at some Excel Rept function examples and explore how to use the Rept function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Summary The Microsoft Excel REPT function returns a repeated text value a specified number of times. For example, =REPT("ABC",3) returns "ABCABCABC". In financial analysis, This can be useful if you want to fill...